National Pension Helpline - February 2024 Update

National Pension Helpline Newsletter

February 2024

Hi ,

Here at the National Pension Helpline, we're excited to wish all of our readers a warm and fruitful February.

We're committed to keep you informed and have curated a selection of interesting pension updates that makes for some informative reading.

In a Master Trust, multiple occupational pension schemes from multiple employers are bundled together under a single trust. In this article, we explore the link between occupational pensions and master trusts, and review some of the performance of the Ireland’s most popular master trusts.

We also explore how the state pension in Ireland compares with those of other countries.

Upcoming topics: 

✅ Managing your pension as your approach the Standard Fund Threshold

✅ Why a younger population is good for your pension

✅ The average Irish pension, broken down by age group

✅ Returning from Ireland after living abroad: What you need to know about your pension

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